#BTD2023 SPEAKER-UPDATE: Gregor Willhauck

Stage 5: “Scan2BIM”: Best BIM-Practice bei Scan2BIM / LIDAR Technologien
DIENSTAG 10.10.2023, 13:30 Uhr

Lecture Title: Connecting the right people to the right data at the right time with Trimble Connect

The geospatial professional today is called on to orchestrate an ever more complex digitally dynamic environment. Like any good leader, these stewards of positioning must have the tools
and techniques to manage data with greater ease and assured integrity. The ability to centralize otherwise fragmented data such as point clouds, BIM models and documents from a variety of sources is essential to the exchange of information across a wider swath of industry stakeholders. That’s where Trimble Connect – a collaboration tool that connects the right people to the right
data, at the right time – comes into play.

For many project stakeholders, it has become the central hub for projects and asset management around the world. Today, this open cloud-based collaboration environment is used by over 20 million people, available in 17 different languages and 185 different countries. The proven solution’s strength is its ability to deliver an ecosystem of accessibility and collaboration that enables actionable intelligence, well-informed decision-making, progress tracking and communication.

In this presentation, we will highlight benefits of Trimble Connect for the Geospatial professional and provide examples of how it is leveraged by customers and partners across the

Speaker Bio

Gregor Willhauck is Cloud Solutions Market Manager at Trimble Geospatial. He has been with Trimble since 2010 and has over 20 years of experience in both hardware and software product management.

Over his tenure with Trimble, Gregor was initially responsible for managing the Geospatial image processing and analysis product portfolio. After relocating to Colorado, he managed the Mobile
Computing Solutions rugged handheld range of products. In his current role, he is based out of the Munich office and manages the Geospatial Cloud product management team which is responsible for shaping the future cloud solutions portfolio for the Geospatial division. Gregor graduated with a degree in Forest engineering from Technical University of Munich, Germany in 2000.


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