Data Models for Complex Infrastructure – Digital Twins for Dams and Water Management

Digital 3D models and the BIM (Building Information Modelling) methodology provide decisive advantages across all phases of infrastructure projects. Using the example of dam projects, it can be seen that the benefits increase with increasing complexity and size of the project.

In the planning phase, BIM models form the basis for FEM analysis, a determination of ESG-relevant information and visualization of the dam, the reservoir and the necessary construction measures in the upper reaches. Locations for dam projects are naturally located in hard-to-reach bottlenecks in mountainous terrain. In construction site management and logistics, 4D models are an indispensable aid to detect problems in scheduling at an early stage on the digital model before they lead to delays in reality.

Dams are subject to the highest safety standards during operation, maintenance and inspection. Many dams were commissioned several decades ago. Today, BIM models, sensor technology and various recording methods are used to create digital twins that enable operator to ensure the required security standards.

Digital twins are also the basis for an ecological and economic balancing of interests between flood protection, stable water supply for municipalities, agriculture and industry, and the generation of electricity from hydropower.


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